
How can signage enhance your business brand?

Building brand awareness is all about captivating your target audience and keeping your company top of mind. Read on to learn how signs can be integral to your marketing strategy.

Carter Seuthe

Carter Seuthe

CEO of .

Affects How Your Customers Perceive Your Company

Signs are an integral part of doing business. Whether it is hanging on the wall inside an office, or outside of a business, they communicate what kind of business you are and help establish a brand identity. The design and content of your signage will affect how your customers perceive your company, so taking the time to get creative with signage can send a powerful message about how much effort you put into the customer experience.

With consistent messaging across different mediums, business owners can craft a memorable and distinct brand that stands out from competitors. What's more, adding extra details such as illuminated logos on signs make them pop even more! I believe that investing in smart signage is one of the easier ways to give customers an impression that lasts long after they’ve walked through the door.

Kyle MacDonald

Kyle MacDonald

Director of Operations at .

Enhances Brand Identity

Signage can enhance your business brand in the way that any good marketing campaign can - it will attract visitors, customers, and allow for a larger brand identity to be developed. Especially as online consumerism is all the rage, if you have adequate signage in front of your company, it could attract people to take pictures, post those pictures, and essentially participate in free marketing campaigns without much effort on the business's part.

Maria Britton

Maria Britton

CEO of .

A Visual Reminder of Your Company’s Values

Signage can be an effective way to add polish and professionalism to any business. It serves as a visual reminder of your company's brand and communicates certain values like quality, consistency and reliability. In today's fast-paced world, signage is a great tool to quickly grab customers' attention, promoting your services and informing them about the different benefits you are offering.

Signage offers the perfect opportunity to stand out from the crowd in an ever competitive market; it won’t only showcase your brand but effectively capture viewers' imaginations to compel them into action. What better way to ensure that your company's branding efforts are never forgotten?

Trevor Sookraj

Trevor Sookraj

CEO of .

Keeps Your Brand Top-of-mind

Signage has the potential to reach countless people passing by and establish a strong presence in any given area. Customers are able to quickly learn about new company offerings without needing additional information – signage tells any story companies want it to tell, from logos and branding to product details. The impact of good branding on signage speaks for itself; customers will trust business more and be able to identify a company whenever they see their unique logo or color scheme.

Signage should also always be placed strategically in high traffic areas; this will make sure the brand stays top-of-mind with potential customers. Companies that properly utilize signage have multiple chances of furthering their brand awareness which could eventually lead to conversions and increased sales.

Dan Gallagher

VP of Operations of .

Builds Trust With Customers

Signage can be a powerful element of your business brand. Having unified, high-quality signage around your business space reinforces the message that you want to project and helps customers remember what makes your business unique. Signage gives potential consumers a visual cue to seek out your product or service, and it leaves a lasting positive impression on visitors who may share their experience with others.

Since successful branding leverages consistency across different types of media, having signage across all facets of where you do business also builds trust with customers that they are dealing with a quality organization. The right signage will help get your brand noticed, make sure it's remembered, and ultimately help grow your business.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors' statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

Picture of the Author

rick mclain, author

Rick is a licensed architect at Repp McLain Design & Construction. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Arizona and an MS from the Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). When he’s not designing and fabricating he enjoys spending time with Brandy, Jack, Avery & Taylor and restoring his grandfather’s Ford pickup truck. Learn more about Rick on LinkedIn.

You can learn more about Rick on the Repp McLain Website, on LinkedIn, at the AIA Website, or on Facebook.

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